Blog - Originally US
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We are thrilled to announce that Originally US has been honored with two prestigious awards at the 12th annual Mob-Ex Awards, held on July 18, 2024. Our CPFV 2.0 mobile app, co-created with the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB), earned us the Gold award for Best Launch/Relaunch and the Silver award for Best Use of […]

Guarding Your Digital Frontiers: The Security Assurance of Experienced Mobile App Developer

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We interact with mobile applications daily. However, not many of us know what it actually takes to develop a mobile app. As someone who was not familiar with tech, I used to have many visualisations of how a mobile app is built: Firstly, I thought the process was very complicated and messy. I used to […]

I often get this question: You have less than 15 people on your team, are you sure you have enough manpower to deliver our mobile apps at good enough quality? The answer is that our CTO, Torin Nguyen, only hires the best engineers that we can. In software engineering, a talented or experienced developer is […]

There has been a revival of interest in this field in recent years, with programmers and IT companies claiming AI/ML as the one-stop solution to all business challenges and problems. The Truth Behind AI/ML Unfortunately, the true capabilities of AI/ML are often distorted by overzealous IT company salespeople, leading to misaligned expectations with clients or […]

The True Cost Of Design “Why is design so expensive?” This is a question we get asked a lot by our clients. The truth is — not all designs are made equal, and it shows. Have you ever encountered a website or mobile application that looks pretty, but frustrates you after the first few uses? […]

AIA Singapore Case Study: Re-Imagining Insurance Sales
The Brief AIA Singapore, an insurance juggernaut with over 1,000,000 customers in Singapore, was faced with a daunting challenge of re-thinking the customer pre-sales
AIA Singapore Case Study: Re-Imagining Insurance Sales
The Brief AIA Singapore, an insurance juggernaut with over 1,000,000 customers in Singapore, was faced with a daunting challenge of re-thinking the customer pre-sales
AIA Singapore Case Study: Re-Imagining Insurance Sales
The Brief AIA Singapore, an insurance juggernaut with over 1,000,000 customers in Singapore, was faced with a daunting challenge of re-thinking the customer pre-sales

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